Rabu, 28 September 2016

Lagundri Bay

Lagundri Bay is a horseshoe shaped bay on the south-west corner of Nias island. Inside the bay are world class surf waves, a great beach and most of the available tourism accommodation on Nias Island. Because the overwhelming majority of visitors to Nias are surfers, Lagundri is the most popular tourism destination on Nias. The wave known as The Point, Sorake or Lagundri is usually included in the top-ten lists of the best waves worldwide. The wave is very consistent and easily accessed. On the north shore of the bay a row of losmen style guesthouses have been built at a place called Sorake.  Most of them have great view of the wave and only a few minutes to the entry point. Sorake is very much focused on surfing; if you are a surfer it doesn’t get much better than this! Apart from the main wave there are a number of different waves in the area of varying levels and styles.
Lagundri Bay is not only for hard-core surfers. This is actually a very good place to learn surfing. Lagundri Beach inside the bay has a surf school staffed by experienced local surfers willing and able to help beginners out. If you progress beyond the beach break stage there are excellent places for beginners nearby, such as Kiddies corner just inside the Point in Sorake. Many beginners’ surfers also come to Lagundri Bay in the low-season when the waves are smaller than during the April to October swell
Lagundri beach is about 20 minutes’ walk from the Sorake and in the past most non-surfers preferred to stay here because it is a much more beautiful location. The Boxing Day Tsunami washed away most the beach bungalows and the 2005 Earthquake knocked over the sturdier structures. Today the beach has been cleaned up and a hotel and a surf school have opened again at the west end of the beach.  Most of the week the beach is all but deserted but on Sundays hundreds of locals gather here.
There are a lot of things to see and do in the immediate area: traditional villages, beaches, stunning country side and some ‘secret’ surf waves.

Nias Island

Located west of the island of Sumatra in the Indian Ocean are a chain of islands, running alongside Sumatra but separated from the mainland by a deep trench, they include the islands of Nias, Simeulue, the Mentawai islands and Enggano. Few early trading ships dared to approach these islands because of their forbidding appearance, veering instead to the ports of Padang and Bengkulu in Sumatra.
At over 5,000 square kilometers, Nias is the largest of those islands. It is 130 km long and 45 km wide, lying 125 km off Sumatra’s west coast.
This far-flung island with rugged terrain, fiercely independent people and a distinct hierarchical culture is a unique destination having remained largely resistant to outside influences for centuries.

Today Nias is most famous for stones and surf. Stone jumping (lompat batu) is a phenomenon where local young men jump over stone walls up to two meters high while the surf here is famous the world over for massive breaks and awe inspiring swells. Australian surfers in search of the perfect wave were among the first to "discover" Nias and the island is now home to the Indonesian Open surfing Championship at Lagundri beach (check other posting and find more interesting places of Nias Island).

This is an ancient land. While no one knows exactly how long people have lived on the island, according to Nias legend life originated at the Gomo River where six gods descended and began the human race.  This is why Nias people call themselves ono niha or ‘children of the people’. From Central Nias people moved North and South developing distinctive languages, customs and art in each region.

Traditionally Nias villages are ruled by a chief who heads a council of elders. Society is hierarchical with the aristocratic upper caste at the top, followed by the common people, and below them the slaves.

The people here have a reputation for fierceness and a militaristic culture which is one of the reasons Nias has resisted the impact of foreign influences for so long.  The warrior culture of Nias goes back for centuries when local villages would band together in coalitions and declare war on each other. Inter-village warfare was fierce and furious, provoked by a desire for revenge, slaves or human heads.

Along with being warriors, the people of Nias are traditionally farmers, cultivating yams, maize and taro. Pigs were considered a mark of social status and the more pigs you had, the higher your status in the village.

Throughout its history, the Chinese, Portugese as well as Arab traders have all explored Nias. The island became known as a source of slaves with the Acehnese, Portuguese and Dutch all probably having bought slaves from here at one time or another. In fact, up until the 19th century Nias’ only connection with the outside world was through the slave trade.

The Dutch assumed control of the island in 1825. Despite a century of contact and conflict with the outside world, Nias traditional culture today remains remarkably intact. The population of the island is spread over more than 650 villages, many of which are inaccessible by road.  


Limestones Hill, Hot Snow Dolok Tinggi Raja

This tourist attraction has not explore well, located in the middle of the forest tall trees make these attractions are not very well known. White Crater High King found in nature reserve covering an area of ​​176 hectares and 4 hectares of land this crater like pearls in the mud. Can not be trusted in the middle of the thick forest and the road to the crater which is not so smooth there awesome beauty, visitors will be enchanted by the beauty of the white limestone hills and hot water flow keindahanya white to resemble snow.

Hot springs that reach temperatures of around 90 degrees centigrade White Crater High King is derived from the small hills in the area, so that the hot water was able to boil an egg to mature. The flow of hot water flowing between rocks limestone staircase steps, this incident made the rock becomes white as snow. Most people call it the Hot Snow.There are two places that can be visited in the area's attractions.

The first is a limestone hill traversed by the flow of hot water that makes these rocks into beautiful eyes, there is also the beauty of the natural carpet formed from mossy river flow that passed the hot water makes these rocks as a whitish green carpet. Above there is also a natural pool is not big enough, hot springs bubbling from the bottom of the pool visible, which of course, visitors are prohibited from bathing in that area. The flow of hot water through the bushes and trees that dries gathered together to form a blue-green lake is very beautiful.

The second place is in the bottom of the cliff. Here visitors can enjoy or bathing water. There is a cool streams and waterfalls cascading from a hill above the goal of making this place to soak after visitors enjoy the beauty of the warm water. The hot springs are believed to contain sulfur which is good for skin health when used for bathing or just to wash the body

Asam Kumbang Crocodile Park

Asam Kumbang Crocodile Park is the largest Crocodile breeding park in Indonesia. The park which has an area of two hectares is even becoming the largest Crocodile Park in Southeast Asia.
Built since 1959, Asam Kumbang Park has collections of many types of Crocodiles, start from the youngest one to over forty years old.
Although it filled with many beasts, this place is very safe because they are placed in ponds and an artificial lake that has been designed safely. The price of admission entrance is Rp. 5,000/pax.
Located at Jalan Bunga Raya No. 59, Medan Selayang subdistrict, Asam Kumbang village, or five kilometers from the center of Medan, this Crocodile Park was first taken from a hobby from Tham Lo Muk, local residents in 1959 who loves reptiles. Currently, the food requirements of the crocodiles that spend is at least a ton of duck or chicken.

Aek Sijornih Waterfall

Aek Sijornih waterfall is two mini waterfalls with steps that located in Aek Libung village, Sayur Matinggi sub-district, South Tapanuli regency, North Sumatra.
In contrast to common waterfalls that have slender and upright high, these waterfalls are located on the terrain slop / tilt on the ground with limestone content. The water spilled widely to the left and right, and epically look like water staring.
The word Aek Sijornih means clear water, and it explaining the condition during rainy or dry season, the waterfall will always clear. This waterfall has 10 m high and it surrounded by palm trees that grow around the waterfall.
Located around + 35 km east of Padang Sidempuan, for about 2 hours drive or 380 km, it takes about 12 hours to reach this waterfall from Medan. We reach this location by private vehicle or public transportation like mini buses. Aside from Medan, it can also be accessed from Padang and Pekanbaru with the same travel time from Medan.
In this place, it has complete facilities such as parking lot, stalls, huts, praying room, lavatories, etc. To enter the location we have to pass the suspension bridge (Rambin) to pass through the river and there is usually an entrance fee for about Rp 5000. This site has been managed by the Government area and it can be an option for holiday during your visit in North Sumatra.

Sipiso piso Waterfall

Sipiso-piso waterfall, is one of the tallest waterfall in Indonesia. The name Sipiso-piso mean "like a knife" , it has 120m high and it located in Tonggiang village, 45 Kilometers from Berastagi at the northern end of Lake Toba.
This waterfall is formed by a small underground river of the Karo Plateau and flows out into the Lake Toba caldera. To get to Sipiso-Piso falls catch a local mini-bus from Berastagi to Kabanjahe At the bus terminal in Kabanjahe catch any bus going to Siantar and ask to get off at Sipiso-Piso. From the main road the falls are 2.5km from the main road. There are becak drivers waiting at the turnoff and go to the falls.
Sipiso-Piso Waterfall has beautiful scenery and fascinating sightseeing. Among the cliffs that look greenish, the fall water is looking majestic by its grace. As we stand or sit far from the location, we can enjoy the beauty Sipiso-piso and Lake Toba from a distance at the same time.
To reach the bottom of the waterfall, we do have to spend a little extra energy. For the peak of the waterfall is located at an altitude of about 800 meters above sea level. Moreover, the walking trails are steep and winding. But do not worry, once reached the bottom of the waterfall, the tiredness is going to be replaced with the satisfaction gratefulness.
Near the waterfall, the local government has built such kind of comforting places for visitors and tired travelers. They can just sit and enjoy the spectacular sparkling fall of Sipiso-piso or go shopping around for some distinctive souvenirs. One may find pleasure going down to the very lowest fall of the water

Kamis, 22 September 2016

Two Colors Waterfall

Two Colors Waterfall is located in the District of Sibolangit, North Sumatra. The water comes from Mount Sibayak. Altitude Waterfall Two Colors is located at 1270 meters above sea level. Why say Waterfall Two Colors? The answer is because it is indeed a beautiful waterfall has two different shades. The shower water being stored from under canescent while boisterous waterfall spilling from the top of a light blue. You will be amazed at the location because Waterfall Two Colors, not only there is a waterfall, but rather three. It is remarkable wonders of the Creator! Tourists from the Chinese race also often visited this place. They believe that the Waterfall Two Colors will give them lucky.
Scientifically, the color difference is caused by water that contains phosphorus and sulfur. So, when you are playing around here, you are not allowed to drink the water. In addition to color, the temperature of the waterfall is also very unique. Cold temperature of the water is blue, and warm temperatures on the water canescent. In addition to spending time playing around with a splash of water, you can also do other activities while still enjoying the natural charm of the waterfalls, such as swimming and relaxing warm the body, lighting a bonfire. This timeless moment also can frame in the photographs as documentation of your holiday. Still sorely lacking? You can set up camp for the night. Obviously, it will take you blend with the surrounding natural aura.

You will enter the forest to get to the Waterfall Two Colors. Journey you will experience will greatly test your adrenaline. On the other hand, the beautiful atmosphere and refreshing air will greet your arrival. Moreover, the forest area is quite well maintained. This proves that the local community and tourists each maintain a healthy forest.