Kamis, 22 September 2016

Two Colors Waterfall

Two Colors Waterfall is located in the District of Sibolangit, North Sumatra. The water comes from Mount Sibayak. Altitude Waterfall Two Colors is located at 1270 meters above sea level. Why say Waterfall Two Colors? The answer is because it is indeed a beautiful waterfall has two different shades. The shower water being stored from under canescent while boisterous waterfall spilling from the top of a light blue. You will be amazed at the location because Waterfall Two Colors, not only there is a waterfall, but rather three. It is remarkable wonders of the Creator! Tourists from the Chinese race also often visited this place. They believe that the Waterfall Two Colors will give them lucky.
Scientifically, the color difference is caused by water that contains phosphorus and sulfur. So, when you are playing around here, you are not allowed to drink the water. In addition to color, the temperature of the waterfall is also very unique. Cold temperature of the water is blue, and warm temperatures on the water canescent. In addition to spending time playing around with a splash of water, you can also do other activities while still enjoying the natural charm of the waterfalls, such as swimming and relaxing warm the body, lighting a bonfire. This timeless moment also can frame in the photographs as documentation of your holiday. Still sorely lacking? You can set up camp for the night. Obviously, it will take you blend with the surrounding natural aura.

You will enter the forest to get to the Waterfall Two Colors. Journey you will experience will greatly test your adrenaline. On the other hand, the beautiful atmosphere and refreshing air will greet your arrival. Moreover, the forest area is quite well maintained. This proves that the local community and tourists each maintain a healthy forest.

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