Kamis, 22 September 2016

Linting Lake

Linting lake, located in a small hilltop village Sibunga-bunga Hilir, Sinembah Tanjung Muda Hulu, district of Deliserdang
According to residents around the lake, once this location is a high hill. One day feel the vibrations are strong enough, and a few months later the hill was transformed into a beautiful lake.
The history of the lake rolled originated from a crack of volcanic events, causing the lake water is warm rolled and contains sulfur. Can see the sulfur content is high enough, the smell of sulfur is quite pungent.
Therapeutic bath of warm water lake that has the warmth rolled around 33-40 degrees Celsius with clear water seems very appropriate to relax or spend time with family.
The atmosphere even more beautiful with the growing number of trees along the edge of the lake. Moreover branches of the trees that strands dangling and water reaching boost to the beautiful panorama
Visitors will feel at home for a long soak in the warmth of the lake water. This is because the presence of a number of birds that roam there. Bertengker birds chirping in a tree branch into its own sensations, accompany the natural warm water therapy.

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