Located west of the island of Sumatra in the Indian Ocean are a chain of
islands, running alongside Sumatra but separated from the mainland by a
deep trench, they include the islands of Nias, Simeulue, the Mentawai islands and Enggano.
Few early trading ships dared to approach these islands because of
their forbidding appearance, veering instead to the ports of Padang and
Bengkulu in Sumatra.
At over 5,000 square kilometers, Nias is the largest of those islands.
It is 130 km long and 45 km wide, lying 125 km off Sumatra’s west coast.
This far-flung island with rugged terrain, fiercely independent people
and a distinct hierarchical culture is a unique destination having
remained largely resistant to outside influences for centuries.
Today Nias is most famous for stones and surf. Stone jumping (lompat
batu) is a phenomenon where local young men jump over stone walls up to
two meters high while the surf here is famous the world over for massive
breaks and awe inspiring swells. Australian surfers in search of the
perfect wave were among the first to "discover" Nias and the island is
now home to the Indonesian Open surfing Championship at Lagundri beach (check other posting and find more interesting places of Nias Island).
This is an ancient land. While no one knows exactly how long people
have lived on the island, according to Nias legend life originated at
the Gomo River where six gods descended and began the human race. This
is why Nias people call themselves ono niha or ‘children of the people’.
From Central Nias people moved North and South developing distinctive
languages, customs and art in each region.
Traditionally Nias
villages are ruled by a chief who heads a council of elders. Society is
hierarchical with the aristocratic upper caste at the top, followed by
the common people, and below them the slaves.
The people here
have a reputation for fierceness and a militaristic culture which is one
of the reasons Nias has resisted the impact of foreign influences for
so long. The warrior culture of Nias goes back for centuries when local
villages would band together in coalitions and declare war on each
other. Inter-village warfare was fierce and furious, provoked by a
desire for revenge, slaves or human heads.
Along with being
warriors, the people of Nias are traditionally farmers, cultivating
yams, maize and taro. Pigs were considered a mark of social status and
the more pigs you had, the higher your status in the village.
Throughout its history, the Chinese, Portugese as well as Arab traders
have all explored Nias. The island became known as a source of slaves
with the Acehnese, Portuguese and Dutch all probably having bought
slaves from here at one time or another. In fact, up until the 19th
century Nias’ only connection with the outside world was through the
slave trade.
The Dutch assumed control of the island in 1825.
Despite a century of contact and conflict with the outside world, Nias
traditional culture today remains remarkably intact. The population of
the island is spread over more than 650 villages, many of which are
inaccessible by road.
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