Rabu, 28 September 2016

Limestones Hill, Hot Snow Dolok Tinggi Raja

This tourist attraction has not explore well, located in the middle of the forest tall trees make these attractions are not very well known. White Crater High King found in nature reserve covering an area of ​​176 hectares and 4 hectares of land this crater like pearls in the mud. Can not be trusted in the middle of the thick forest and the road to the crater which is not so smooth there awesome beauty, visitors will be enchanted by the beauty of the white limestone hills and hot water flow keindahanya white to resemble snow.

Hot springs that reach temperatures of around 90 degrees centigrade White Crater High King is derived from the small hills in the area, so that the hot water was able to boil an egg to mature. The flow of hot water flowing between rocks limestone staircase steps, this incident made the rock becomes white as snow. Most people call it the Hot Snow.There are two places that can be visited in the area's attractions.

The first is a limestone hill traversed by the flow of hot water that makes these rocks into beautiful eyes, there is also the beauty of the natural carpet formed from mossy river flow that passed the hot water makes these rocks as a whitish green carpet. Above there is also a natural pool is not big enough, hot springs bubbling from the bottom of the pool visible, which of course, visitors are prohibited from bathing in that area. The flow of hot water through the bushes and trees that dries gathered together to form a blue-green lake is very beautiful.

The second place is in the bottom of the cliff. Here visitors can enjoy or bathing water. There is a cool streams and waterfalls cascading from a hill above the goal of making this place to soak after visitors enjoy the beauty of the warm water. The hot springs are believed to contain sulfur which is good for skin health when used for bathing or just to wash the body

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